from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

happy september

A new month!  Happy September!

New beginnings.

Goals:  DOUBLE DIGITS, calories under 1200 every day (should be easier with school), LOSING WEIGHT, keeping up exercising during school (starts Friday, ugh.)

Umm, yeah, that's pretty much it.  Practice is afternoon today, so I've already eaten a Deli Flat (100) and a nectarine (67) so I don't pass out while running.  I feel so full and gross =/  I'll burn that off and hopefully whatever I have to stuff in during dinner too.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Why why why wasn't I following you before?! Silly Isobel!

    Thanks for your words of encouragement - your goals are like exactly the same as mine!

    We can do this! September is our month!

    I'm here if you need help, we're going to do it together :)

    Now I'm going to read your blog properly!

    Isobel xx
