from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I ran my ass off at the xc race today - felt AWESOME.

Runner's high is my drug of choice.  Went for another run afterward, and will do my abs/weights/etc. later.

Plus, family will be out so I can skip a normal size dinner.  I ate a bit today to fuel the race:  chocolate cheerios (100) and half an apple (37).  For dinner I had about 20-25 cal worth of salad.

Hopefully this will help work off the weekend >.<

Love you all.  Your comments mean more than I can say.


  1. Congrats =]

    I know! running feels WONDERFUL!!! It's like you feel like dying and flying all at the same time haha cuz you know you're making progress, even though your lungs are on fire lol..

    It's just great =]

    Congratulations lovely =]

  2. Hey! I had a race on Tuesday tooo!!!!
