from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Monday, September 27, 2010

help me, bloggers. you're my only hope.

Please, right now, asap, this moment:  give me any and all tips you've got for breaking a plateau.  If I see another day of 95 pounds, I'll scream.

Star Wars reference, btw.  Ftw <3
Natalie Portman?  Frickin' GORGEOUS.  Even bald.  Love her.

And a special shout out to Isobel, who I missed like HELL.  (And, ftr, totally picture as Natalie in my head...)  Girl, I wanna hear ALL ABOUT FRANCE.  I want details on the people, places, and food, of course - I'm living (and eating) vicariously through you :)  And soon we shall be losing together again!


  1. erm to break a plateau (my advice) depends on what your current regualr daily intake is..
    raise it by 100 cals one day, then the next- fast. then raise by 200, fast then go back to normal and repeat.

  2. I suggest drinking tons of water and eating absolutely nothing. After a while your body starts to eat it's own fat sotres.

  3. Omg I am so touched I got a shout out :D I am being the slowest worst procrastinator with doing this catch up post, but today I spent the WHOLE time catching up on blogs! I have actually been drafting my next post in a notebook...saddo alert! Pretty sure it'll be a novel when I'm done.

    I would dearly love to look like Natalie...however I think the only thing we have in common is being shortasses. One day maybe I'll get there. Have you seen the short film she was in for Darjeeling Limited? I think it's called Hotel Chevalier... She is so tiny there it's gorgeous.

    Plateaus - exactly as Bella said - up the cals a little and just play around with higher/lower days I think!


    ps I totally think of you as being like Parker Posey in my head (

  4. i love natalie too! have you seen natalies rap from SNL? if not you should!! by when i hit a plateau i drink a JUG of ice cold water with 1/2 a table spoon of cayenne pepper then go for a jog and dont eat for the rest of the day.

  5. I'd have to agree with BellaAna for this one.. thats sort of the method that helped me break my first plateau. Eat alot more than you usually would, and then fast.
