from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Friday, September 17, 2010


I'm taking him back, forgiving him.

Let's just say some stuff happened that I'm taking as a sign from God - I'm going even crazier without him, I miss him like hell, and I love him.

My scales (yes, more than one) are telling me I weigh
94 pounds.
If I can manage to not gain too much over the weekend (they're always so baaaad) I think I be solidly at my previous low weight for all/most of next week.  And get a new low.  94 is such a lovely number...

92 is even better.

90?  Soon, my lovely girls.  Soon.


  1. congratulations for reaching your first goal =]

    and with getting your man back =]

    love you, darling!

  2. Congrats, but dont forget to be safe :) I know, I'm lame. And good, if this boy makes you happy then I'm happy for you. Boys are so complicated, making you feel the best and the worse at the same time. Hahah, congrats again!
