from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Mum walked into the bathroom just as I was weighing myself.  I should have locked the door, craaaaap.  Crap.

Now she knows I weigh 93 pounds.  She FLIPPED.

I am in deep shit here.  Hopefully I can keep passing it off as just losing weight because of xc...?
I need advice, my friends.  What can I tell her???

Isobel, I'm still meaning to reply to you once my life calms the heck down :P  Love you girl.

Love you all.  Wish me luck, pray, whatever - just please comment with tips/advice that you use D= =/  I'm in trouble.



  1. oh noes! hopefully she'll take your word for it... xoxoxo

  2. You've been under a lot of stress recently, and stress does make a person lose weight? Maybe you could tell your mum that.

    And no worries, lovely, I know you're in a whirlwind right now! I'm still here xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. I'd definitely play up the stress card; stress has been proven to make people lose weight. I hope all goes well.

  4. I play up the stress card for myself, and its been semi working, so I'd try that. Lie alot about what you eat and she might back off. I feel like alot of parents want to believe their kids are okay, so if you give them one unreliable shred of hope they'll take that and believe nothing is wrong.
