from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Can it be true!?
My scales tell me I weigh 94!  *crosses fingers*  Oh, I do hope so.  That wretched plateau >.<

Anyway, CRAZY busy today, so enjoy my song posts and I wish you all well <3

P.S:  I broke 50 posts :O  I can't even remember what it was like before I had you girls.  Lovelovelove.


  1. :D oh my golly gosh, i hope you're right!! <3 that would be awesome
    jeez fucking plateau just leave... no one wants you here!! >.<


  2. Posie you know I'm saying this because I love you and I always want you around ok? I'm not attacking you or your judgement, just letting you know I care.

    I'm not sure you should be trying to lose too much more weight - 16.6 is an ok bmi although it is pretty damn low, but I would start getting really worried if it got down to the 15s and I wouldn't feel like your friend if I encouraged you to do that.

    You must be so tiny already, even if you can't see it. I just read a news story about a girl here in England who died of anorexia and it shook me up.

    A plateau could also be called maintenance :)

    I love you xxxx
