from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Just out of curiosity, run your hands along your back - Can you feel your spine?  Answer in comments, I'm truly curious.  I'll explain.

Last night, Boyfriend came over, we talked, I cried, whatnot...  we're back together and he truly is so sorry, it was once...  anyway.  I love him.

So I'm sitting there, crying and being a generally hormonal girl (I totally didn't even realize, but I haven't had my actual period in months, btw) and I end up in his arms, and it's amazing and we're kissing and I'm just so glad I could forgive him and trust him, and he pulls me closer and then stops and pulls away.  I'm like, "What?" and he traces a finger up the middle of my back and goes, kind of shocked, "Is that... your SPINE?"
Why yes, yes it is.  Hello, spine.  Lovely to SEE you poking out back there, shoulder blades like wings and vertebrae dancing...

And then, because I'm only a real girl around him (maybe why I love him so much?) I had a normal (aka huge for me) dinner and a COOKIE and didn't panic until after he left.

I'm like 94-95 today, ran a butt-ton at practice...  Gah, if I gain much more this weekend I'll go crazy.  I truly will.

Love you all, thank you for everything, how are you?  <3


  1. I can definitely see/feel mine, but I could also see and feel it before I lost 15 pounds, so I think my spine is just abnormal haha.

  2. I can feel mine, and it's visible. My weight lingers in the lower 120's at the moment though, so I have no idea why. Maybe it's because I'm tall, but I still have a lot of weight to lose. Bummmmmmmerrrrrr.

    If Megan Fox can be 5'6" and weigh 114 pounds, then I can be 5'7" and weigh 114. Because Megan Fox looks good.

  3. hey sweetie! I've gone through this page and the previous one to catch up. :) Sorry about the bf honey.. Cheating hurts so many people but I would be a hypocrite if I totally discouraged it because I cheated on my ex to be with the man I'm with now.. but my ex was cruel to me..(which is not an excuse) but I love tyler more than life. But If he's sorry and you know you two are meant to be then it'll work out :) Love is the best thing when it's right, but it's like cellulite when it's wrong.. It'll haunt you forever!!! lmao
    love your blog and stats ;)
    xoxoxo (imma def be a daily reader, and welcome to my blog! wintergirls are always welcome ;)

  4. Oh... p.s- I can only feel a few vertabrea.. I have a muscle-y back though :( damnit! lol

  5. I used to be able to feel mine, it doesn't stick out anymore though. It will soon enough.
    My collar bones are starting to become visible again though! :)
