from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy candy day to y'all!

I.  will.  not.  binge.  today.

83 pounds this morning.

Spoonful of cereal for breakfast, some celery with a little almond butter (Dad made me) for lunch.
Probably won't have time to exercise much xP
Traditional Halloween dinner (for my family anyway) of pasta/lasagna/ziti/meatballs/Italian bread.
And candy, of course.


Wish me luck!  Off to take the little sis trick or treating.


  1. Good luck <3 Have fun trick or treating :)

  2. good luck gorgeous although you wont need it because you are strong, damn it!!

  3. Morning my love!

    Remember this please, even if you ate, you won't have overate anywhere NEAR like the average person will have. (ugh...)

    And if you let yourself off one night with your family it might be really good - for metabolism and for your happiness :)

    Plus, you know you'll burn it right back off because you're the most determined girl here.

    So no beating yourself up if you do eat sweets.

    Because I love you and I said it's ok!!

