from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Sunday, October 17, 2010

i think they call this situational irony

text message conversation with Boyfriend (who, btw, is 6'2" and weighs about 130 pounds - solid muscle, but skinny as anything)

Boy:  So what're you up to?
Me:  Trying on my jeans for the winter - I'm always cold :P
Boy:  I know haha you're always stealing my sweatshirts!  how's that going?
Me:  None of them fit!!  It's not my day :(
Boy:  ...None of them fit because you're too THIN? O.O
Me:  No, actually, I got fat since you saw me last.  Is that a problem?  xD
Boy:  Well, I'd prefer if you weren't a total skeleton like me xP

I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.


  1. he seems so lovely, but do what YOU want- are you trying to be thin for him because if u r then now theres no need to worry xD
    if not then shiiiiiiiiit - though i doubt he'd leave you for being thin >.<
    no worries darling you'll be fine!


  2. Laugh and love him for loving you! He's with you for you not your body.
    Just make sure you do what makes YOU happy- you don't want to gain weight for him then be miserable...
    Stay strong! xxx

  3. I agree with almost skinny, i'd laugh over it. laughing about things like this is bliss. how adorable! at least you have been confirmed skinny! lol

  4. Ah. My boyfriend is totally skinny too. He's probably the same size as yours.

    Just be happy because he called you skinny. :D

  5. Ha, awwwww I think he's being a sweetie pie! xx
