from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

a coupla confessions

Nothing to report, my days have been boring and uneventful...

So, for something for y'all to read, and 'cause I'd rather do this than physics homework:  Confessions.

I confess...

1.  I adore food.  I love cooking, I love when people eat my cooking, compliment my cooking, etc.  My life revolves around food.

2.  I hate food.  I hate it with a burning passion.  My life revolves around food.

3.  The Food Network is my favorite tv channel.  I watch it while I work out - irony!

4.  I love my family to death; they are my favorite people in the entire world.  I have no words for how much they mean to me.

5.  I love my boyfriend; he's my first serious relationship.  (I am a virgin though, and will be until I get married.)

6.  I would rather stay home with a good book and a cup of tea than go to a party any day.

7.  My number one binge food is...  dessert.  Any type of dessert.  Literally, ANYTHING.

8.  My dream career is to be a photographer/writer/artist of some kind.  Reading is my favorite hobby, then running.  I don't have a favorite book because it's always the one I'm reading at the moment.

9.  I have my ears pierced twice and I want to get a tattoo on my foot that says "Miles to go before I sleep" - from the Robert Frost poem.

10.  I've never been officially diagnosed, but I fit the criteria for anorexia nervosa, and probably exercise-based bulimia.  I hate it; I love it.  I don't know.

and an extra one for kicks and giggles...

11.  I make wishes every time I see 11:11 or 12:34 on the clock, on shooting stars, on eyelashes...  I wish on anything.  And I always make the same wish.

No, I won't tell it ;)


  1. I agree with 1, 2, 6 & 8!
    Good luck with the homework xxx

  2. I enjoyed reading these little facts. :)
    You're so inspiring.
    Stay Superstrong <3
