from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy NaNoWriMo!

Happy November!

Anyone doing NaNoWriMo, just out of curiosity?  It's on my bucket list, but not this year, because add that to my life and I think my brain would spontaneously combust haha :P

83 still this morning, and I even indulged yesterday!

Halloween ended up to be:
cereal for breakfast (~50, give or take)
celery with almond butter for lunch (~120, give or take)
lettuce and spaghetti with red sauce and TWO, yes TWO! meatballs for dinner (~650, give or take)
one mini 100 Grand bar (93)
one mini Three Musketeers bar (63)
one mini package M&Ms (166)

total = ~1200 calories, give or take
Whew!  It felt like SOOOO much food oh my goodnesss (but so good, ahhhh those meatballs...), thank goodness I probably didn't go too much over my BMR.

So, Isobel :]  I did eat some sweets!  And they were godly.  And I didn't beat myself up too much.  Takin' life as it comes.  Thanks love, your comments ALWAYS make my day!

Today I won't have time to exercise because of studying :(  But I'll just try to maintain, no gains.  It'll be ok.

November.  New month.
I resolve to smile more.
What do you resolve?


PS:  Yup, that's a haiku :)


  1. Congratulations!! You reached your last goal =D I knew you'd do it!

    So inspirational, darling =] keep up the good work

  2. I'm so glad you were able to indulge without any stress related to it! It really is a big accomplishment :) Stay healthy!

  3. Smiling more is an AWESOME resolution.



  4. Oh and my dad did NaNoWriMo last year - it turned out pretty good! He really enjoyed it x
