from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I passed my driving test!  :)  Finally, some freedom.

I've been talking to Mom and I think I persuaded her to get out the scales...  *crosses fingers*  We'll see.  None of my clothes fit any differently so I've gained a minimal amount if any, no idea about losses.

My friend who thinks I'm "too skinny" is visiting this weekend, so I'll probably be forced to eat a lot >.<  Argh.  Oh well, we shall see, and I was in the negatives for yesterday.  (It would have been a fast, but I figured taking a driving test like that wasn't such a brilliant idea, so I ate a mushroom omelet.)

Have a lovely weekend girls <3  Thanks again for every single comment, especially Molly and Isobel, you never fail to make my day a little brighter :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha yes of course, we wouldn't want you passing out at the wheel! =P Congrats :DDD

