from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Sunday, November 21, 2010

busy weekends

So.  freaking.  busy.  Still owing an update, life is just INSANE.

I actually kind of hate weekends now, because I'm at home and watched and forced to eat NORMALLY and even more than normally for three meals a day because I'm supposed to be GAINING weight.  Ah, no.  Help x_x

And Mom is so strict about letting me out of the house cause she knows I probably won't eat.  And when I did go out yesterday, Boy made me eat because of crap that went down that I don't have time to elaborate on right now, ugh.  Soon.

Friday was a good day, I think I stayed under 300 calories even with going to the movies to see HP!  (Which was A-FRICKIN-MAZING, btw.  Loveeeee.  And how gorgeous is Emma Watson!?)

Saturday and today are...  not.

I hate it, I hate this.  At least I have three school days where I can skip 2 meals before
*scary music*
And a long weekend, in which family is ALL STAYING AT MY HOUSE.

Good heavens.

I'm terrified.  Actually, legitimately, terrified.


  1. YAY!!! HARRY POTTER!! (yeah i KNOW right - emma watson is AMAZING!!!)
    don't worry, im in the same boat - im supposed to be gaining weight too, and i have to see all these doctors about it too. GAH. Yesterday i had a totally neg intake, so im prettty happy, but im scared. Yes. I'm also terrified.

    However, we CAN do this, even with people watching us all the time. We CAN reach our goals.

  2. She was thinspo throughout the entire movie. Plus she's British- she seriously has it all. brits brits brits britsssss ♥

    Good luck x1000000 with everything this week, keep us posted! (pun intended.)


  3. Ha Victoria, glad you like us Brits! We're the best ;)

    And omg went to see Harry Potter last night (even though I'm waaaay too old for it now lol) and Emma Watson looked STUNNING. Even in the god awful clothes she had on.


    Posie, I need help! I'm becoming more and more of a fatass. Not good, at all.

    You are wonderful by the way. Don't think I told you that recently <3

