from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

pancakes and cereal

Yes girls.  Pancakes for dinner.  And guess who made and flipped them?


Guess who had a massive headache this morning and decided to eat some cereal for breakfast (and the only kind we had around was a binge starter (Kashi GoLean Crisp yummm) of mine) to help with the dizziness?


Guess who didn't binge AT ALL?


Today: ~-30 calories (yeah, that's a NEGATIVE sign!  and it's actually less, because of the leg lifts!)

Input:  ~325 calories
hard boiled egg white (17)
spoonful of cereal (~32)
quarter apple (18)
lettuce (20)
tomato (16)
two pancakes (220)

Output: ~355 calories

[+ 16 minutes of leg lifts, but I don't know how much that burned...  Anyone know?  I'd greatly appreciate it.]

It would have been one pancake, but Mom made me have another :P  At least I faked that I'd had more and resisted ACTUALLY having more AND chocolate chip pancakes!  Ahh, they are soooo good...  but so not worth the guilt - plus, NEGATIVES!  YEAH!

I'm so pumped :)

Just gotta make it through tomorrow and I'll let myself have lunch with Boy :)

Hope all you girls are doing amazingly, thanks again for comments and everything - and 30 followers, wow!  If I'm not following you just leave a comment and I will :)

Think thin(ner!),


  1. Holy CAHUNA! Great job, hun!!!

    That's AMAZING. So strong it kills me lol. You'll definitely make it to lunch tomorrow =]

    Stay strong!

  2. oooh congratz on the no binge! awesome intake and output! i hope all goes well until your lunch <3

  3. Wow, good job!
    I saw your comment on my post just now, i haven't been on for a while. Thanks for the recognition.:) I really like your blog,and i'll follow it for sure.
    Well keep at it, i reallllllly admire your self control!

  4. aw I love you Posie...pancakes and leg lifts oh my! xx
