from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Thursday, August 12, 2010

wish me luck!

Firsties!  I DIDN'T BINGE YESTERDAY.  I drank about a gallon of water beforehand and felt so bloated that I only ended up with about 600 cal for the day (I did cave and have a muffin :P)  Thanks Lola, for the tip!  Water is a saviour.

So, today...  I WEIGH 101 POUNDS.  W00T!  AND I'm still bloated from period, even though I never actually bleed, just get hormonal and crampy and crap.  Whatever.  So, BMI 17.9 is pretty much inspiration for me not to gain too much on this trip - I leave tonight, will be back (hopefully not too much bigger) on Sunday night.  Wish me tons of luck!

For today, I can probably skip dinner in all the packing chaos, and I had about 200 cal for breakfast and lunch, biked and did abs already.  I'll miss you guys tons, you're all my inspiration <3

Wish me luck!


  1. hope u have tons of fun baby! :)

  2. Lol, the other day I gave in to an eclair at Uni. It tasted goooood and I still came out with a deficit for the day ^.^ Treats are important for averting binges!

    Thank you for the comment. I hope you have a good trip!

  3. I swear your blog inspires to to exercise! You are a machine girl! I would love to be able to do what you do. I'm loving your blog, it always makes me want to try harder so thank you! Plus your comments mean so much to me! Hope you had a great trip and come back and blog all about it Xx
