from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Monday, August 30, 2010

distracting myself

So, I am TOTALLY stealing Peri's idea here, thanks girl!  Anything to keep my mind off the food.  Crossing off the ones I've done - please, please leave comments so I a) have something else to do and b) can tell any stories about these haha :)

1. Had A Threesome
2. Been drunk.
3. Touched a real gun.
4. Done drugs
5. Wrote on a bathroom stall.
6. Took “naughty” pictures of myself.
7. Had sex
8. Got into a fist fight.
9. Used Twitter.
10. Listened to Lady Gaga.
11. Been in a car accident.
12. Gotten suspended.
13. Gotten expelled.
14. Got a computer virus.
15. Had a hand-written diary.
16. Been allergic to something.
17. Had a dog.
18. Had a cat.
19. Been pregnant
20. Had a pregnancy scare.
21. Had unprotected sex.
22. Camped out.
23. Swam in the ocean.
24. Wore a bikini.
25. Met someone online in person.
26. Made a survey.
27. Used ICQ.
28. Failed a class for the year.
29. Repeated a grade.
30. Went to summer school. 
31. Got straight As
32. Got As and Bs
33. Learned to speak another language fluently.
34. Read an entire book.
35. Recorded my own music.
36. Had an Xbox.
37. Listened to Rammstein.
38. Wore fishnets.
39. Bought skinny jeans.
40. Been in love.
41. Hated someone.
42. Been cheated on.
43. Cheated on someone.
44. Had a significant other.
45. Did something sexual with someone of the same sex. 
46. Practiced Christianity.
47. Worn makeup.
48. Had a cavity.
49. Had surgery.
50. Had my license.
51. Been to college.
52. Graduated high school.
53. Attempted suicide. 
54. Worn colored contacts.
55. Painted my nails black.
56. Broken someone’s heart.
57. Had my heart broken.
58. Cried for an hour straight.
59. Lost something very valuable.
60. Had sex in a car.
61. Got separated from my parents as a kid.
62. Broken a bone.
63. Gotten stung by a bee.
64. Eaten something bad/expired.
65. Threw up from being so drunk.
66. Had to put a pet to sleep.
67. Participated in a swinger’s party.
68. Owned an iPod.
69. Owned an iPhone.
70. Fell for a best friend.
71. Stole a friend’s significant other.
72. Had a serious disease.
73. Gone away from home for more than a week.
74. Moved out.
75. Ran away.
76. Teased my brother/sister.
77. Gotten into a verbal fight.
78. Been to the hospital.
79. Had food poisoning.
80. Had a job.
81. Been fired.
82. Lied to a friend.
83. Lied to a family member.
84. Lied to a significant other.
85. Posted a video on YouTube.
86. Started a rumour about someone.
87. Deliberately failed a test.
88. Dropped out of school.
89. Gotten my “private parts” pierced.
90. Been skinny dipping.
91. Counted to a million.
92. Counted to a thousand.
93. Ate deer meat.
94. Ate duck meat.
95. Had fast food.
96. Been to church.
97. Been to a synagogue.
98. Been married.
99. Had a divorce

Whew, that was fun.  Back to skulking around the internet and listening to my stomach growl - school starts Friday and I WILL BE DOUBLE DIGITS.

Love you all.


  1. Lordy Lordy you're lucky your school hasn't started yet lol.

    Mine started Thursday.. And I'm still fat.

    At least your stomach is growling from hunger.. Mine is growling because my mom and sister hovered over me while they made sure I shoved an entire plate of spaghetti into my stomach...

    The poor thing isn't used to having this much inside.. And now I feel sick.. =[ meh.

    I can't sleep.
    Sooooo I'm going to leave you a looooooong comment so that you have something to do for a bit.

    Yesterday I did way good. I hardly ate a thing. I dont even think I made it over 500 calories.

    Today I was doing pretty well until the spaghetti incident. I don't even know what made her suspicious. My sister is like always trying to do better at everything than I do. So naturally, if I lose weight. She MUST lose more.

    And the only way for her to do that is to make me eat. And the only way for her to do that is to get my mom involved. Which is what she did today.

    As for you...

    Keep thinking about other things, and every time you do something that isn't on the list, add it and cross it off! lol.

    That way you'll have even more!

    Plus, you can watch Thinspiration videos on YouTube. That's what I do when I get to feeling less motivated than I should be.

    It also helps me to make thinspirations myself. It takes longer than just watching and looking at them, and you can admire your work after your finished.

    You can also create a list of like 100 or so reasons that you need to lose weight.

    You've had duck meat???

    What does it taste like? I'm really picky with what foods I'll even touch... But what's weird about that is that I've eaten all kinds of sushi
    [octopus, squid, eel] stuff like that... yet it's duck that sounds odd?

    I need help lol.

    You're lucky your high weight is only 112.

    Mine was 177! its awful... and since I found that out like two or three months ago, I've only lost like 7 pounds.
    It's totally pathetic... I never thought I would see the 170s... and here I am...

    God, being fat is so depressing... Especially since I'm fatter than my boyfriend...

    Boys are supposed to be bigger than girls, not smaller. =/

    You don't need to reply to this comment since it's so long haha. I just needed something to do, and I'm doing something by giving you something to do lol. It all works out for the best.

    I suppose I'm a little late to be responding to this post, but I'm sure that it'll help no matter what time it is when you're ignoring food..

    Have you read the book Wintergirls, by Laurie Halse Anderson?

    It's all about like Ana and EDs and stuff. It's a way good book. I read the whole thing in like two days. And you can go to this website where it's free to read the entire book..

    here's the link:

    That should give you something to do as well...

    I hope I helped you if only a little bit, I'mma try to sleep now =]

    Thanks for the luck sweetie =D

  2. Oooooh, may I ask what you had surgery for? I'm hoping for something on-life-threatening and cool :p

