from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make

Gotta love the Beatles.

Nothing to do with this post, but anyhow...

BMI 17.9

Things is lookin' up.  I'm at 100 calories so far today not counting in the ones I burned at a mad-intense XC practice.  (Put it this way:  If I'd eaten anything beforehand, I would've puked.)  Yesterday I was at about 500ish calories for the day - went to a party!  With JUNK FOOD!  And didn't binge!  Actually, didn't eat ANYTHING!  Things are SO looking up.
Now if I can keep this up over today and tomorrow (another family party x_x) I'll be golden.  School starts Sept. 3 and I want to look amazing (read: skinny).

Thank you for the encouragement, beauties!

PS:  New blog look, w00t.  Summer's winding down here so I figured a change was in order.


  1. I love the autumnal background =] Autumn is my favorite.

    Congrats on not eating at that party!
    I think I probably would have definitely binged..

    You are so strong!

    Keep it up, girlie =]

  2. Its so inspiring how strong you are :) you will look amazing for school just keep strong and keep up your good work :) x
