from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

one little slip...

First off, tons and tons of love to the new followers and everyone.  You guys are inspirational and the best.

Second, last night was good.  I ended up eating about 2.5 very small pieces of quiche, so I'm guestimating about 500 calories for the day.  No dessert.

My pulled calf muscle still hurts like the dickens, so I'm taking some time off from running before XC starts on Monday =/  Ugh.  I hate not being able to run; it's literally driving me insane - it's the only thing that ever feels like I actually worked off some calories!  I can't even go swimming 'cause our pool has algae.  Buggerbuggerbugger.

This morning was cantaloupe for breakfast (~50) and a granola bar (90) for lunch, both because Mum made me.  I weighed 103 this morning, and I'm still bloated from period, so I'm hopeful.  Biked 5 miles (-140), came home to Mum already starting her baking for the family trip coming up tomorrow night.  Bugger.  I caved and ate some yam yums (??? but I'm guessing about 300) and we're having meatloaf and egg noodles for dinner x_x  I ALWAYS binge on this meal.  Any words of help are much appreciated.  I'll also do my weights/abs/etc. at night before bed.

I'm pretty much resigned to Thursday night onward to Sunday being bad, because of the family trip, but I still want to do my best.  Basically I just want my leg to heal -.-  Argh.  Actually, basically I just want to go back to before I was such a psycho.


1 comment:

  1. Drink lots of water with your meal it will help fill you up faster then you may be less likely to binge :) x
