Happy November!
Anyone doing NaNoWriMo, just out of curiosity? It's on my bucket list, but not this year, because add that to my life and I think my brain would spontaneously combust haha :P
83 still this morning, and I even indulged yesterday!
Halloween ended up to be:
cereal for breakfast (~50, give or take)
celery with almond butter for lunch (~120, give or take)
lettuce and spaghetti with red sauce and TWO, yes TWO! meatballs for dinner (~650, give or take)
one mini 100 Grand bar (93)
one mini Three Musketeers bar (63)
one mini package M&Ms (166)
total = ~1200 calories, give or take
Whew! It felt like SOOOO much food oh my goodnesss (but so good, ahhhh those meatballs...), thank goodness I probably didn't go too much over my BMR.
So, Isobel :] I did eat some sweets! And they were godly. And I didn't beat myself up too much. Takin' life as it comes. Thanks love, your comments ALWAYS make my day!
Today I won't have time to exercise because of studying :( But I'll just try to maintain, no gains. It'll be ok.
November. New month.
I resolve to smile more.
What do you resolve?
PS: Yup, that's a haiku :)