from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Monday, March 28, 2011

tons of homework

So much.  Oh my goodness.

So this'll be really quick!

Trip was awesome.  Had a fantastic time and didn't panic too much about food and managed to do super well - maintained.

100 today, will hopefully exercise a bit later.

Didn't run =/ but I had a decent reason - hung out with the guy I like instead!

So.  There's always tomorrow...
to do more homework.  Ugh.

Love ya dearies.


  1. Glad the trip was awesome and that you didn't panic too much. that's awesome <3.
    hope you get the homework finished.

  2. Glad you had a good time girlie:)

  3. hey <3 i nominated you for an award: check it out here.
