from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

i want to hear all of your quirks...

...about weighing yourself.

I'm genuinely curious, drop me a comment and let me know what you all do.

Once a day?  Once a week?  Twice a day?  Every five minutes?  Before/after eating/peeing/exercising?

What do you do to find out your weight?

Personally, I weigh compulsively.  After ANYTHING - drinking, eating, peeing, working out...  And I always step on three times.  Never more, never less.

One, two, three makes it true.

One, two, three to measure my sins and weigh my faults.

One, two, three, thrice on the scale today.

One, two, three times, I saw 99.

I am back.


  1. I force myself to weigh in only once a day, otherwise I'll do nothing else. I do the 3-time thing also. But I weigh in as the very last thing before I go to bed, always fully clothed in whatever I'm wearing to bed. I know you're your heaviest at night, but morning weights give me false hope, so I leave it till the end.

    Also, congrats, love!!! You're where I want to be one day. I am so amazed by your progress.


  2. Congrats girlie:) You are seriously my inspiration. I usually weigh in the morning after I pee and before I eat but i'm trying to only weigh every week.
    Stay strong darling<3

  3. I weigh two-three mornings a week, after I pee. Gotta be nekkid no matter how cold it is, and hop on and off until I get the same number a bunch of times in a row.

  4. Congrats on getting to 99! I weigh in every morning as soon as I get up (after peeing though ;) lol.) I don't weigh during the day because I know it would be higher and then I would binge ):

  5. I weight myself every morning when I get out of bed after my shower. I have been doing this since I was 7, it's kind of a habit now.
    99 is freaking amazing! CONGRATS*

  6. yay fun question time!!

    I weight fairly compulsively. So, like the others, always first thing in the morning after I've been to the loo - usually in underwear, but I judge an item of clothing to be 'light enough' I won't take it off.

    my scales are really bad so I weigh a few times, especially if the first 2 times it's a different reading.

    then I might weigh in the evening, but I try not to as I know it's 'false' and it usually depresses me...


    ps 99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3
