from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Thursday, January 20, 2011

physics... the bane of my existence.  Also midterms next week, ugh.

I swear, I will get an update post for you soon, Isobel.

Plateaued at 93ish.  Yup.  Story of my life.

Input:  436 calories
Output:  365 calories
TOTAL:  71 calories

Love you ladies!
(And gents?  Any gents following?  40 followers btw :O  My goodness gracious!  I'm so honored <3  Shout out in the comments if I'm not following you back, please!)



  1. 40?! congratulations sweetheart- you deserve a million :)
    amazing intake for today

  2. congrats on hitting 40! and good luck in your mid -terms (forgive my ignorance, but are they important exams or ones you take every semester? I'm guessing the latter from their name) xxxx
