from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

back, bitches

Heck yeah.  I'm back bitches!

Pro:  Gained enough weight for Mom to give the scale back.
Con:  Gained enough weight for Mom to give the scale back.

Pro:  I do not weigh 12305173089 pounds as I feared, I weigh 93.
Con:  I weigh 93.

It's gonna be mad hard to hide any weight loss after all this (continual) monitoring, plus I am NOT in the habit of starving anymore...  but I will do it.
Give me a month and I'll be back in the 80s, I swear it.  To myself, to you, to myself.

Lots o' love.


  1. please stay for good this time! we (I) miss you

    what's going on with you? I want, no - demand, a recap :)


  2. YAY, YAY, YAYYYY!!!!! Posie's got her scale back, Posie's got her scaaaale back. A month? Knowing you, we'll be hearing of the 80's in 2 weeks, tops. So happy for you, girl :)

