from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Thursday, January 13, 2011

MLK day weekend

Hai girls.

So, I'm gonna be unexpectedly away from home this weekend, so I won't be able to post til Monday or Tuesday :P  Sorry to come back and then desert you again!

(Amusing side note:  I typed "dessert" first...  Freudian slip anyone?  One downside of this getting back into restricting is that I'M FREAKING STARVING ARRRGH.  And I'm not even restricting compared to how I used to!  I'm "easing into it" which is bullshit but I'm also trying not to get caught again...  al;skdfjals;dkjf.  Anyway.)

So much school work (midterms coming ugh) but Isobel, I promise a long update post asap!  I miss hearing from you :(  I hope you have fun tonight!!  Dance off some pounds for me too, eh?

VictoriaCrimson, thank you SO MUCH for that comment!!  It totally made my day :D  Your faith in my weight loss abilities makes me feel so good <3  I'm sure (not to sound cocky, sorry) that I could do it in 2 weeks (and Sweet Jesus do I want to), but I don't want to push it too much and get the scale taken away again and be monitored all the time...  so I'm taking it slow.  I'll be semi-normal again this long weekend that I'm spending with family...  and then onward again.  I just can't even say how psyched I am to have the scale and to not weigh like...  107 like I was terrified I did.

It's been hell oh gosh.  I owe y'all some explanations, argh.  Sooo sorry for this rambly disorganized post, my brain is cluttered :P

Anyway, back to physics.  Sigh.

Love you all tons and tons, have an amazing weekend, stay strong and think thin for me too!

Love, Posie


  1. You know, you're totally right. Props for looking at the larger picture! Your family would certainly notice a sharp change, so it's definitely better to ease into it and take it a bit at a time. It'll be harder to tell if they see the changes over a little more time :) Have fun this weekend!


  2. I know you're bummed that you're 93 pounds, but I can't even tell you how perfect you probably are at this size. Sure, we all want to be smaller. But just so you know, you're doing great. :D

    Thanks for the link, too! I'm so glad I get to follow you now. (:

  3. I'm here! I loved your desert/dessert slip...

    I think you're totally doing the right thing, taking it slow and easy, not getting too uptight when you're around your family. And #i agree with R that you must be so lovely right now at 93, a little pixie of a girl :)

    I'm worried you're going to try drop like 10lbs, so be careful ok?

    Have a lovely weekend gorgeous girl!!! xx

  4. Aren't we always thinking thin? XD One of these days it will happen and nobody will have to think it. Stay strong!

  5. My posts are almost always rambling and disorganized lol, so don't feel bad. I feel that it gives them character lol.

    I would kill right now to even be 110. So I consider you lucky as hell to be able to be disappointed about 93.

    I agree with R and Isobel, though. You really should be careful. I like your posts =] and if you get caught, we won't hear from you anymore.
    I miss having you post a lot =] Come back soon, okay?

    Miss you already =]

  6. I used to have a blog awhile ago but now I am on a journey to recovery, to better eating habits!! I would be great if we could support each other =)

    “Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”

    ♥ Bree
