from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

badge of honor? badge of horror, more like it

Apparently, I ran myself so hard that I literally fractured bones in my legs.

My team thinks it's awesome - so hardcore!  6 weeks off minimum to recover, sweet deal!

Um, no.

I'm in shock.  I am going to lose it.

I really am.


  1. I read this post and said "holy shit!" out loud. I'm really sorry. will you be able to do lower-impact exercise?

    Have you considered taking a calcium supplement? Or getting on birth control? Both of those should help ward off the osteoparosis and weak-bones issues.

    I can't believe your team thinks it's a GOOD thing. It makes me sad, another reminder that the mainstream knows nothing about EDs. :/

  2. That's awful! I had a stress fracture in my foot this past winter from increasing my mileage too fast. It's awful because you don't even really know when it gets 100% better and it's easy to re-injure. I hope you heal very quickly and can get back to training as soon as the 6 weeks are up. I've been there, you're not alone.

  3. Aww =( I really hope you get better! That really sounds painful, and yes, you should take calcium supplements! It really helps and it makes you feel stronger, because then you're taking something with no calories and you're making your bones stronger.
