from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Thursday, May 5, 2011

quick update

[I feel like I have that as a title for my posts like once a week, I'm sorry!  Can't wait for summer.]

School update:  All of the tests to determine my future (well, a great deal of them) are this coming week.  I've been studying so much I literally fell asleep standing up in one of my classes yesterday.  Awesome.

Life update:  The new Boy-That-I-Like-A-Lot texted me (first!) the other day, and it turned into a 5-day long conversation, total bonding, many many inside jokes, and READY?  A POSSIBLE DATE.  Win.  I couldn't be happier [in this area of life].  He's cute, hysterically funny, totally brilliant, a nerd like me, and like, the nicest guy ever.  Does it get better?  Also, he doesn't make me eat.  We sit together at lunch and not eat together.  True story, but I don't know how I feel about him not eating...?  What do you girls think?

Weight/eating update:  I've been eating not enough way, way too much.  Maintaining at 98.  Frustrated because I could be losing like mad 'cause I'm so busy, but I can't risk my brain not being top notch.  Not this week.  Arrrgh.

Miss you all.

1 comment:

  1. you know I have to come back on blogger to check if you have posted <3


    Love it - you better tell us all about your date! x
