from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Monday, May 9, 2011

once upon a time,

there was a little girl.  and she was happy.

but every story that begins with "once upon a time" has a sad middle, doesn't it?

so here's the sad part:

but the little girl grew up.  

but children don't grow up: our bodies get bigger, but our hearts get torn up. 

and here's the other sad part:

she hasn't gotten to the end of the story yet, and she can't predict the ending, and she doesn't know if everything is going to turn out all right.  if the prince will come save her or maybe the dragon will eat her, or maybe it won't be a dragon, but the demons in her own head that grow bigger each night, tearing at her little girl heart in the body that got bigger 

1 comment:

  1. If the prince doesn't come, the little girl will find a teacher to teach her swordwork or magery and she'll slay the dragon or cast a spell on it so she can escape to freedom.

    Love you <3
