from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Thursday, December 2, 2010

oh, hipsters

I just had to share this with you girls...

Today in school I was sitting with my best friend, the one that I've mentioned.  During a pause in our conversation, we overheard two hipster girls sitting behind us...

GIRL1:  ...wait, how do bulimics make themselves throw up?
GIRL2:  *mimes sticking her finger down her throat*
GIRL1:  EWWWWW eating disorders are so gross!  Anorexics and bulimics are like...  ew.
GIRL2:  I know man...  it's our society that's so fucked up.  The media and shit, changing girls' views...
GIRL1:  *nods*

BFF and I:  *look at each other and burst out laughing*
BFF:  Is it just me, or did that whole scene belong in a bad high school teen angst movie?

Best laugh we've had together in ages :)

Oh, hipsters.  Always trying to be ironic and crap, never realizing how much they actually are.

Another positive:  negative calories 3/4 days so far this week, w00t.  So good to finally be back in control.  Hope y'all are well.


  1. ...2 minutes ago. Oh well- YAY POSIE! Regardless of whether you've got the scale or not, you're doing greeeeaat.

    Hipsters that try too hard are asses. But their clothes are cute. =P


  2. sigh some people are just incredibly shallow :/ don't let them get to you! and yay for negatives! it's good to see you posting again :)

  3. oh posie, I'm so happy you laughed at this!

    you have no idea what it's like where I live...

    It is genuinely like this -

    nightmarish! x

  4. Congrats on the negatives =]
    I hate it when people try to talk shit on something they have no way of understanding.

    It can be really funny, and sometimes offensive, to over hear people's conversations.

    I'm glad you were able to laugh about it and not get mad.. I would have most likely gotten mad lol

    Stay strong, hun =]
