from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

excuse me while i say some things that need to be said

Excuse me while I fucking relapse, bitch.  You know what I've been through, what I go through every day, and you do THIS?  Fuck you.  Fuck you, and your fucking wannarexia, and your fucking false diagnosis.  We both know that if anyone deserves that label, it's me.  We both know that you WANT it, and I don't.  You and your fucking need to be better than everyone, and I'm sorry, but not this.  This is MINE.

Bitch, you'll be crying when I beat you.

It's on.  It's fucking on.

Fuck.  You.

Sorry for the profanity :P  I hate cursing, it's not ladylike, but sometimes it's gotta come out.  This is a horrible rant.  Bitch, if you for some bizarre reason, read this, I don't really mean it.  Most of it.  I think.

Isobel - we are going to do this together, NOW.  No more waiting.  You in, love?  



  1. There seems to be a sharp increase in wanas lately, and I have SUCH a hard time not saying nasty things to them! Yes, body image issues are painful and really suck, but they are NOT an eating disorder. Frustrating, because it hurts everyone including themselves.

  2. I'm not disagreeing that there are people who are more about public drama than about real eating issues, but it's also not fair to dismiss someone because they don't have textbook anorexia. Most of us with EDs don't.

    Posie, I'm sorry someone else feels the need to air their problems in a way that makes your life harder.

  3. I'm in. I don't care. I can't treat myself so badly, don't we deserve it?
