from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Monday, August 22, 2011

reverse thinspo

click HERE if you really need some motivation

although be warned, you might throw up in your mouth.  i practically did!


  1. tht is sooo groosss !!!! her b-fast is less than i eat in a week!

  2. Jeez that is disgusting. I can't believe that bitch is trying to tell people it's OKAY to be that fat!!! I find it horrible and disgusting, and I think she's going to get herself killed eating that much crap. I strangely feel way better about myself now because I think just one of her legs probably weighs more than I do. Thanks for the reverse thinspo!

  3. It's hilarious that her doctor says there's no sign of mental illness there. Because eating yourself into such a state where you cannot walk normally is sooo normal and healthy.

  4. this is so sad. sorry this did not make me feel better about myself, just sad. She is destroying her life, her children's life and everyone's who loves her.
    I really hope that smile on her face is real. I highly doubt it though. I just wish that she is happy with what she's doing to her self.
