from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Thursday, February 23, 2012

a note

Read this.

Well-written, informative, accurate.  Thank you very much to Kim.

For the benefit of new followers, old ones who are confused, whatever, I want to clear some things up.

I have never been officially diagnosed.  Therefore, according to Kim, I am self-diagnosed.  However, I am 100% positive that had I allowed my mother to take me to a doctor (I have a terrible fear of them, that's another story), I would have been solidly diagnosed with AN and [probably] hospitalized.

At the worst of my ED (which is undeniable, it's an ED and not just disordered eating), i.e. fall of 2010, I weighed 82 pounds.  I am 5'3", which puts me at a BMI of 14.5.  Anything under 15 is considered starvation.  I was eating [far] less than 900 calories a day, which is medically considered a starvation diet.

Anyone want to dispute my self-diagnosis?  Currently, I would be EDNOS - not underweight, not severely restricting, but definitely disordered.

Anyone who thinks I'm a wanna - comment.  Fight me.  I dare you.

Apologies, but I'm currently hardcore hating on a real life wanna.  So I'm "proving" myself.

Comments appreciated.

/end rant.


  1. I consider a wannarexic a person who doesn't have an eating disorder and thinks it's a neat way to lose a lot of weight ("OMG I have to lose 37 pounds bc prom is in like a month! I need some tips & trix!"), or has minor eating problems and creates huge drama about them for attention ("Hey everybody, I'm ANOREXIC. Don't try to make me eat cuz I'm gonna starve myself to death!"). The fact that someone is self-diagnosed, EDNOS, or going through changes in disordered patterns doesn't make them a "wanna."

    Your eating disorder is not any more or less valid than anyone else's, regardless of what DSM label might be attached to it or who thinks you qualify for that label.

  2. Ah, wannas. Those irritating people who think it's a lifestyle choice or seek to develop disordered eating habits because they think it's a good way to lost weight/get attention.

    I remember getting cussed out by someone because they asked for advice and I told them to quit their habits before the habits took over their life and killed them. Man the reacting I got was amusing!

    I don't have an eating disorder, but I have disordered habits. They grew out of my depression and I've been diverting doctor attention from them, since I find starvation a nice, tidy way to inflict pain on myself :/

    I don't give a flying fuck about labels, I love you no matter what stickers you've got on your metaphorical or literal car.

    Hugs and love <3

  3. I tried to answer this but my phone ate it. ARGH.

    I totally didn't want to sound like I was saying self-diagnoses are not legitimate or wanas. Pretty fucking sure you're legit, lol. (Technically I'm self-diagnosed too atm, because I'm clearly Bulimic and not just EDNOS.)

    I just really am sick of people saying "I'm ana!" just because they restrict. :/ It's harmful to both

    (My mind is still blown by the people who join pro-ana sites and make up fake diagnoses to look "real" so they can get weight loss tips. Sweet merciful crap.)
