from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Sorry for the posting spam.  I'm a little... crazy, today.

weight: 99-100 lbs
input: disgusting
output: not enough
net: nasty nasty fat fat

At least it only takes one day like this to set me back on track.  I'm going to regret it tomorrow when I'm a massive disgusting whale.

I've been rereading my posts from last fall.  I need to get to those weights again.  I NEED to.

Oh, ps: that awkward moment when you realize you'll never be able to wear a bikini (even if you had the guts to) because your hips are so covered in cuts/scars.

Fun times.

1 comment:

  1. Awww honey, you post as much as you want. This is your blog and you may fill it up in any way you wish.
