from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Friday, May 11, 2012

nothing to report

studying my ass off.  ya know, the usual.

how are you all?


  1. oh, I'm okay :)
    exams starting soon so I'm going to be in the same condition as you pretty soon!! I'm also having my first tattoo in two weeks! you can read everything on my new post sweetie!!

    stay healthy during studying*

  2. Feeling a little less self-hating, but I feel like I've jjust buried it under uncontrollable lust at the sight of some of the cards in the Avacyn Restored block. Hell, at least M:TG cards aren't fattening, right?

    Best of luck with the studying. Don't forget to take brain-refreshing breaks, ok?

