from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Sunday, July 22, 2012

eating today

I ate a normal sized, healthy breakfast (cereal and fruit).

I ate a normal sized, very healthy lunch (turkey/avocado wrap).

I even snacked a little (rice cake).

I will eat a normal size, healthy dinner (turkey burger).

I am 5'3", I am almost 19 years old, and I weigh 115 pounds.  This is a 33 pound weight gain from my lowest and sickest, and a 5 pound loss from my highest and also sickest.  It's not the weight, it's the mindset.

I know for a fact that I can maintain this weight.  Sure, I'd rather maintain lower.  I may hate the way I look, but it's nice to have confidence that I can eat normally and be afraid of magically ballooning out overnight.  It's nice to know that I'll lose weight the healthy way until my body is the best that it can be.

This has been a recovery post brought to you by "Fake it til you make it" Posie.


  1. Don't be so hard on yourself hun. You're doing well, you really are. And I don't mean that in a patronising way, at all. Everything you have eaten sounds really healthy and yummy.

    I hope you're well.


  2. You are frankly amazing.

    Go you good thing <3
