from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

a novel idea


My EDbrain doesn't understand it.  But my body can apparently do it.  Even if I'm maintaining at disgusting

I've made the decision to revamp this blog to reflect my recovery over my relapses.  Currently I seem to only post negative stuff, and I want to change that.  As soon as I have my own computer, anyway.  I'll also [finally!] post like a massive update about my life/ED/recovery/etc.

Isobel, maybe you're gone and will never see this, but you've inspired me.  I owe you a lot.  So thank you.


  1. I feel so sad that Isobel has gone :(

    Hope you're well love


  2. Hang in there girl. I think thats a really good decision :)

  3. Talk about the good things as well as the bad, maybe more than the bad coz it will make them last longer in your mind and you can re-live them as you write about them.

    Take care <3
