from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

tuesday update

So, today, my boyfriend basically told me that he found me more attractive this summer than he does now.

This summer, I was 96-102 lbs.  At the moment, I am afraid to weigh myself.  But it's between 112 and 116 lbs.

Which is literally disgusting.  I know some of you would think that's small, but trust me, I have a TINY frame.  This looks globby and gross and fatfatfat on me.

Dear God.  Help me.  Why can't I get my shit together and just lose weight?  Why? Why? Why?

i need to starve and run and run and starve and be perfect again.


  1. well that wasnt a nice thing for a boyfriend to say....

  2. I don't know your boyfriend, or the tone of what he said, so I won't comment on that...

    I do know how to it feels to be in your position though, cos I'm there too! Working on it though love, and we'll get there xxxxxxx

  3. I'm the same weight and have the same problem. There's like chubby bulges in places. Other people at this weight would look really thin.

    I hate when others say such insensitive things, and they never know....
