from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Friday, November 18, 2011

more irony

Applying to colleges as a Nutrition and Dietetics major.

Specializing in ED Therapy.

Maybe someday, I can help someone like you or me.

Or maybe it's all just the universe's way to laugh at me, haha.


  1. I had considered going to college for something along those lines at one point. I didn't think about specializing in ED therapy though. I couldn't ever afford classes and I like art more. And I couldn't ever figure out anything to do with a degree (I live in bfe so there really aren't any options). But if that's what you want to do, go for it!

  2. that's what i'm studying. it is incredibly interesting and eye opening. I really enjoy it. Best of luck to you! If you have any questions about it let me know :)

  3. i'd have loved to study that; i'd love to help someone and stop them becoming like me! good choice :) xo.
