from "memento mori" to a phoenix rising
sickness to recovery

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I am going to university to become a nutritionist.  It's time people in my real life knew why.

I'm going to "come out" about my eating disorder to my friends who don't know.

What do you guys think?  Have you ever done anything similar?  How did it go?


  1. You're being incredibly brave.

    Best of luck, love.


  2. as the above comment says, i think you're being brave. i also think that you'll be surprised by how many of your friends already realised something wasnt right...i know that when i 'came out' to some of my friends, i was. as for uni, i think it's a great idea - i'm having such an amazing time here :) i hope it goes well! xo.

  3. It takes a lot of courage, but I'm sure those who truly love you will back you up. It's not uncommon for those of us who have eating disorders to be studying nutrition. :)

    I told people this past fall, and I found it brought me closer to a lot of people, but I get upset at times because it's like they know a secret of mine--a part of me--and I sometimes wish it were still mine and mine alone. Telling people, for me, has almost put a halt to my purging. Actually, I think I've only purged less than ten times since I told people. Either way, I am glad I told.

    Whatever you choose to do--good luck, lovely!
